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Frame tree walking-tour

Заполни маршрут на свой ГЛОНАС как файл ГПХ
Teljes táv: 6,5 km
Össz. emelkedő:  60 m
Össz. lejtő: -60 m
Magasság max.: 183 m
Magasság min.: 161 m
Type of hike: Pedestrian walk connected to a forest railway
Length of the tour: 4 km (distance + 2 km)
Recommended period: from early spring to late autumn.

Tour: Lenti-Mumor - Lentiszombathely forest railway stop - Uncontrolled road towards Lentiszombathely (Tavasz street) - Continue on southeast direction and then east on the bicycle road - following the bell tower than the red sign turns to southwest - red sign southwest (dirt road) - Frame tree on the red sign - then turn back and return on the same path.

Starting from Lenti, we arrive at the train stop between Lentiszombathely-Mumor after 15 minutes. With hiking, the program moves between 2-3 hours, depending on the starting point.



Turning from the train station to Lentiszombathely, we are on the red sign. During our trip we touch the bell tower next to the cemetery of the settlement, built at the end of the 18th century.

Oaky area

By leaving the settlement we reach the former gentleman's forest, which was filled with pedunculate oaks. It is remembered by those more than 200 years old giants today. The plantation was crippled for grazing and it became grove, nowadays it is transformed into a woody pasture. The nearly 1-hectare area was declared a protected natural area of local significance in 1976. Nowadays there is a well-built cycle path in the woods and the Tőzike educational trail.

Frame tree

Along the oak you can see a so-called "frame tree", which is actually an old oak guarding a statue of Mary. These memories of folk religion are probably come from the 19th century. It was born in the 18th century, in honour of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, the shepherds, while keeping the flock, found a piece of wood, a tree trunk with signs and traits of man, and a Virgin Mary thought to discover it. They were dressed and cherished. Today a statue of Virgin Mary stands in the altar on the trunk, as the original carvings were unfortunately stolen.

We close our tour with this tree. Go back to the station on the route already done.